Commemorating the disaster relief after the earthquake that toppled the Colossus of Rhodes
Los 876
ISLANDS OFF CARIA, Rhodos. Rhodes. Circa 226-220. AE (Bronze, 17 mm, 4.86 g, 11 h). Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. ΦΙ / Ρ-Ο Rose with buds to either side. R. Ashton: Rhodian Bronze Coinage and the Earthquake of 229 BC, in: NC 1986, Group 3Α. BMC 219. SNG Keckman 563-4. Flan faults on the reverse, otherwise, very fine.

Ex Leu Web Auction 20, 16-18 July 2022, 1295 and previously from a European collection, formed before 2011.

Ashton connects this issue with the disaster relief sent by Ptolemy III to Rhodes after the devastating earthquake of circa 226 BC. According to Strabo, the earthquake toppled the Colossus of Rhodes, but an oracle from Delphi told the Rhodians not to rebuild it as its construction had offended Helios. Ptolemy's offer to pay for the reconstruction of the magnificent statue was hence turned down, and his aid was used to rebuild the city instead.
50 CHF
150 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 11-Mar-23, 19:17:30 CET
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